Hi everyone,

       Well  I've been  working on Mapserver for a couple of weeks now. Now
 I was supposed to checkout Geoserver too.. I was wondering if anyone who
has worked on both of

them could help me figure out with a point or two as of how mapserver is
superior to Geoserver... I've got a few points gathered.

-=- Plz fill me in with any thing that comes to your mind. I really wanna
the differences , be it the basic things, simplicity or complexity
or whatever..............


Mapserver && Geoserver

*1. *MapServer is generally better when dealing with WMS, while
GeoServer deals better with WFS.

*2*. A big difference is that GeoServer supports WFS-T, that it
Transactional WFS (editing of feature services on the client side),
while MapServer don’t.

*3*. Mapserver works with CGI, GeoSever with J2EE. That may entail
some advantage to GeoServer, since some companies don’t want to work
with CGI.

*4*. MapServer is a more mature project (1996), while GeoServer is a
bit more recent (2003).

*5*. GeoServer has a web tool administration that eases configuration.

*6*. MapServer has without any doubt a very powerful cartography
system, providing data under dynamic vectors with high quality

*7*. None of them is better or worse. The development objectives are different.

*8.* PHP Mapscript for Mapserver, which provides a powerful scripting
interface for PHP programmers. For Java programmers, Geoserver might
be a better choice
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