People I got on this situation: mixing single quotes with double quotes.
Mapserver say at following page :
that for expressions it allow escape.
Do it allow escape on other mapfile attributes ?

Current mapserver version is 5.4.1

I need the following string layer data attribute to create an query to
perform a column concat since address is a compound information and has some
null values.
I know some will say fix your data.

It is stopping at CATEG: Parsing error near (CATEG)

data "the_geom from ( select oid, *, \"CATEG\"||( CASE WHEN \"PREP\" is null
THEN ' '::text ELSE \"PREP\" END )||\"LOGR\" as full_address from
street_main_dissolv_utm ) as

Postgresql lexer rules are:
 Identifiers are quoted with double quotes.
 A column name is an identifier.
 And column name identifiers not quoted are lower cased.
 So need the double quotes around those upper case identifiers.

 Text strings are quoted in single quotes.
 || is string concat operator
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