You didn't share your layer definition (mapfile). Make sure you have a
template set, either at the layer level or in each of the classes you
want to be able to query.

Charlie Allgrove wrote:
> Hi
> Could anyone shed some light on a problem I have with querybyrect() using
> PHP Mapscript please?
> I'm trying to get the number of points within a known boundary (from a
> google map). The map file is apparently working, as I have it generating
> tiles for overlaying on a google map. The Shapefile is (for the sake of
> example) xxx.shp containing a layer 'xxx' (see ogrinfo output below)
> The PHP code I'm using is here, but I consistently get this error:
> Warning: [MapServer Error]: msQueryByRect(): No matching record(s) found. in
> /var/www/yyy/zzz/qryMap.php on line 44
> The shapefiles are in /var/www/yyy/zzz/data/ (and the SHAPEPATH in the map
> file is set to 'data')
> I'm kinda new to this - so I might have missed something, but can anyone
> shed any light on what I've missed and/or am doing wrong? 
> Many thanks in advance,
> Charlie
> PHP extract:
> <snip>
> $lstrMapPath = "/var/www/yyy/zzz/";
> $lobjMap = ms_newMapObj($lstrMapPath);
> $lobjRect = ms_newrectObj();
> $lobjRect->setextent($lintBLLon,$lintBLLat,$lintTRLon,$lintTRLat);
> $l='xxx';
> $lobjLayer = $lobjMap->getLayerByName($l);
> if(!$lobjLayer) {
>   //die("Layer does not exist");
>   echo "Couldn't find layer {$l}<br />";
>   continue;
> }
> $lobjLayer->open();
> echo "<strong>{$l}</strong><br />";
> $lobjLayer->queryByRect($lobjMap->extent);
> echo $lobjLayer->data."<br />"; //correctly shows the shapefilename
> $lintCount = $lobjLayer->getNumResults();
> echo "$l: {$lintCount}<br />";
> $lobjLayer->close();
> </snip>
>> ogrinfo xxx.shp -so xxx
> INFO: Open of `xxx.shp'
>       using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful.
> Layer name: xxx
> Geometry: Point
> Feature Count: 759947
> Extent: (-8.146110, 49.892400) - (1.758210, 60.800800)
> Layer SRS WKT:
> GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",
>     DATUM["WGS_1984",
>         SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137,298.257223563]],
>     PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],
>     UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]]
> Postcode: String (80.0)
> NoSpace: String (80.0)
> Hubs: String (80.0)
> Long_WGS84: String (80.0)
> Lat_WGS84: String (80.0)
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