
I got another related question . .

On a DWithin return list, any chance that the results are ordered by distance from a point, closest first? Or isn't this something I can depend on from MapServer?


I'll need to do a couple of tests and see what happensOn 7/11/2010 8:43 AM, Yewondwossen Assefa wrote:
On 11/07/2010 5:26 AM, Blammo wrote:

I've got a filter request working with DWITHIN but get seemingly weird returns.. Using EPSG:4326, and "m" (Does this = Miles??) I get returns that I expect when using fractional "m" values.

What other unit designations are honored? I don't see anything in the getCapabilities about units or the MapServer docs.

here are the units and abbreviations that can be used:
- m or meters: can be used to indicate meters
- km or kilometers:  kilometers
- NM: nauticalmiles
- mi or miles : miles
- in or inches : inches
- ft or feet : feet
- deg or dd: degree
- px: pixels

ticket was added to add this in the docs (http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/ticket/3488)

Lastly, does MapServer support CQL (yet?), I saw references to this in my searching.

Not that I am aware of.

best regards

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