Chris Green wrote:
> Daniel
> Thank you I really appreciate you taking the time to explain that. I have
> followed your instructions and the upgrade seems to have installed OK (both
> mapserver-base 5.6.4 and mapserver-php 5.6.4). However when I try running my
> application I get an error log of:
> "/opt/fgs/www/cgi-bin/mapserv: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.7' not found
> (required by /opt/fgs/lib/"
> Is GLIBC_2.7 supposed to be in Mapserver 4.6.4?

As Jeff wrote a couple of days ago, this is an issue with the FGS build
that requires a version of GLIBC more recent than what is available on
your Linux distribution. You could try installing a more recent version
of GLIBC on your system if one is available, otherwise the only solution
would be either that you build FGS yourself on a compatible system, or
that we prepare a new FGS binary release based on a more conservative
Linux distribution.

If you are interested in helping fund a new FGS release that would be
compatible with older Linux distributions then please contact me off-list.

Daniel Morissette
mapserver-users mailing list

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