Hi, I'm trying to use Mapserver or GeoServer/OpenLayers to display my maps and their respective image in order to make use of the zooming and possibly other features. On my site users can click on countries or states they have visited and the maps entities are flood filled with color by GD-PHP. The site is here: http://wherehaveibeen.info.
I'm trying to find an example of imagemap use on MapServer because the link is dead on the doc page on the subject: http://mapserver.org/output/imagemaps.html?highlight=imagemap. Does anyone have a new example they can point me to? Thanks in advance. Sincerely, Paul D Pruitt socr...@s2services.com (301) 493-4982 (H) (240) 277-6233 (M) (301) 530-2461 (F) S2 Services 9006 Friars Rd. Bethesda, MD 20817 easyleaves.com - easier ways to pick up leaves in the fall. genealogyoflife.com - tree of life in genealogy format godskingsandheroes.info/software - free software lulu.com/s2press - my books planthormones.info - plant hormone theories s2services.com - data recovery freeware list saveofficedata.com - free service for recovering text from Office files socrtwo.info - Gateway site with my links to computer tutorials and artistic portfolio wherehaveibeen.info - world map you can mark to indicate which countries in the world you have visited
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