I guess that the "Union by attribute" function in OpenJUMP might be close to 
what you want (Tools - Analysis - One layer - Union by attribute value).  
Download the nightly snapshot from http://openjump.org and unzip.  Increase 
Java memory setting in the launch file that is located in the \bin -directory. 
The file is openjump.bat for Windows, openjump.sh for Linux. The value you will 
need to increase is "-Xmx256M".  Try something like "Xmx1400M".  Lets hope it 
is enough for your dataset.  OpenJUMP keeps all the data in  memory and it is 
not sure that it can handle your data.  I am remembering that with 32 bit 
Windows it is not possible to increase memory above about 1500M even if the 
computer has more but I have read about 64 bit Linux user who was super happy 
with 6 gigabytes.
I had a try with Vmap0 World boundaries and union by REGION made me for example 
Europe and Asia multipolygons. Operation has an option for removing the common 
boundaries where it is possible, and another one for summing up the numeric 
fields. I suppose this is very close to what you want.
-Jukka Rahkonen-


        Lähettäjä: mapserver-users-boun...@lists.osgeo.org 
[mailto:mapserver-users-boun...@lists.osgeo.org] Puolesta Lehr, Steven
        Lähetetty: 16. syyskuuta 2010 18:14
        Vastaanottaja: mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org
        Aihe: [mapserver-users] Dissolve Tool?
        Does anyone have a reliable dissolve tool that they would share.  I 
have many cases where I need to dissolve parcels on a parcel_id (maybe up to 
200,000 polygons in the whole file);  I know I can bring it down into ESRI, but 
it adds multiple steps to my process.  I'd like to have a Perl/python script 
that does:
        dissolve.pl parcels parcel_id  
        The output being a shapefile named parcels_dissolve.*
        Where the inputs: parcels is a shapefile and parcel_id an attribute in 
the .dbf;  The .shp, .dbf etc would be processed appropriately dissolving on 
the attribute passed in, so it could be parcel_id to dissolve parcels with 
similar parcel_id, or could be an attribute like zoning; the resulting output 
file would contain only one record in the .dbf file for each unique attribute.  
Additionally the only attribute left in the .dbf would be the attribute being 
dissolved on (unless you have the ability to sum area or count # of 
occurrences; but no other logic about which fields to bring forth; just the one 
        Thanks for the help.  I'd be willing to pay for this project to be 
written if someone is interested - drop me an email off list.

        Steven Lehr
        Associate Professor
        College of Engineering
        Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (LB263)
        600 S. Clyde Morris Blvd.
        Daytona Beach, FL 32114-3900


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