3- That may not be obvious, but MapServer honors the VERSION that you
set in a GetMap request...
Hi Daniel,

I would say it's confusing to see VERSION=1.2222 going through ...

it's just that it works with ranges of
versions for each version-specific difference in the spec instead of
discrete version numbers in an attempt to be forgiving of clients that
support only intermediate versions that MapServer may not be explicitly
built for. More specifically:

(0.0.0<  VERSION<  1.0.7) is treated as 1.0.0

(1.0.7<= VERSION<  1.1.0) is treated as 1.0.7

(1.1.0<= VERSION<  1.1.1) is treated as 1.1.0

(1.1.1<= VERSION<  1.3.0) is treated as 1.1.1

(VERSION>= 1.3.0) is treated as 1.3.0

A word from a coder is worth a thousand [GetMap] images ;-). That's really clear. But misleading for the client/map integrator IMO.
4- After seeing this thread, I would tend to lean towards producing an
exception if version is not one of the explicitly supported values to
prevent any confusion (i.e. anything not in the following list would
produce an exception: 1.0.0, 1.0.6, 1.0.7, 1.1.0, 1.1.1 and 1.3.0)

I think that's a very sensible solution. Especially since the VERSION parameter is required. Trying to push a GetMap request without a VERSION url parameter already generates an error : "msWMSDispatch(): WMS server error. Incomplete WMS request: VERSION parameter missing". I think failing to find an explicit VERSION number in a set of allowed values should trigger a similar exception, something along the lines of "msWMSDispatch(): WMS server error. Offending (or misformed or something) WMS request: VERSION parameter not in {1.0.0, 1.0.6, 1.0.7, 1.1.0, 1.1.1, 1.3.0}".

That behaviour would at least comfort me as a user that the VERSION number I'm passing in is the one used, short of having a response header confirming that (which appears to be an impossible task anyways).



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