On 10-11-16 9:51 AM, Ian Walberg wrote:
We are testing an application which currently uses curl to call lighttpd
(with fastcgi) and simple map files.

When we do the same via the command line using the same map files but
mapscript to render the image the difference is speed is huge, 4-5 time
longer using php/mapscript.

 From a first look the Drawing Label Cache is one of the main areas
which is taking much longer, say 40-50 seconds instead of 2-4 seconds!

Just about to start looking in more detail but hoping someone out there
knows why the huge difference.

Hi Ian,

I'd say if you have a mapfile that is taking a minute to draw that you have a problem. If I were you I would use shp2img with the debug option to see layer draw times, and focus on the layer that is causing the trouble at that scale. If I was stuck on the cause of the problem, I might email this mailing list the layer text from the mapfile and a description of the data source, and maybe someone can find the issue.


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

mapserver-users mailing list

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