Hello all, 

I am successfully install ms4w vs 3.0 vs 11 and tutorial to install it in : 

but, i have project from win xp in "\ms4w\apps\appweb" contain folders : 
map, shp, samples, admin, config, data, etc and i copied to win 7 in 
"C:\ms4w\apps\appweb" .

then how to open it in address Bar like in win xp : 
http://localhost/appweb/index.html ?

i already add :httpd_appweb in "C:\ms4w\httpd.d" like when in win xp but still 
can't work..

Alias /appweb "/ms4w/apps/appweb/htdocs/"

<Directory "/ms4w/apps/appweb/htdocs/">
    AllowOverride None
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

anyone can help? Thanks a lot all :)

-dbee, Indonesia :)

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