On 12/23/2010 01:10 PM, Steven Knight wrote:
I'm working on a project which is trying to use gml_exclude_items.  The
documentation [1] states that "A comma delimited list of items to exclude".
Because of the documentation I changed my mapfile to exclude some items:

     GML_EXCLUDE_ITEMS "gid", "cmpxname", "orgname", "the_geom"

But when I access this mapfile get the following error in my MS_ERRORFILE:

[Thu Dec 23 13:05:40 2010].166173 loadHashTable(): Unknown identifier. Parsing
error near (,):(line 107)

I could be wrong, but you might want  this arrangement instead:
    GML_EXCLUDE_ITEMS "gid,cmpxname,orgname,the_geom"

Peter N. Schweitzer (MS 954, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA 20192)
(703) 648-6533  FAX: (703) 648-6252  email: pschweit...@usgs.gov
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