Our mapserver-eniromnent entirely works in utf-8 (mapfiles, webserver, 
postgres, ..) with one exception, that is, all of our shapefiles.
The shapfiles are created/updated in an Windows-environment by several, 
external contributors.
Hence they are encoded in Wiindows-ANSI (cp: 1252).
If i do an GetFeatureInfo-Request on the attibutes of the shapefiles all 
special characters ("umlauts") are garbled. 
This is no wonder since the content of the shapefile-attributes must be recoded 
to utf-8 prior to insertion in the template.html.  
How can this be acomplished? I could not find anything useful in the 
documentation or with google.
Mag Andreas Siegel
Landesvermessungsamt Feldkirch
Johannitergasse 6, A-6800 Feldkirch
Tel: +43(0) 5522 / 75482 - 60227
Fax: +43(0) 5522 / 75482 - 6
E-Mail: andreas.sie...@vorarlberg.at 
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