
You indeed found a good one: image/jpeg output for all 6.0 betas in MS4W was broken. In fact the underlying GD library was pointing to a an old non-existent libjpeg version, jpeg-6b, and recent MS4W is built against jpeg-8b (this is what the error message was really trying to tell us: "Wrong JPEG library version: you are calling JPEG-6 through GD but MapServer expects to find JPEG-8"). So here is a patch, which contains a rebuilt GD library that points to an upgraded JPEG-8c library: http://www.maptools.org/dl/ms4w/mapserver_ms4w-6.0.0-beta6-patch.zip

I thank you very much for discovering this problem. I guess this is why we have a 'beta' stage.

(the MS4W ticket is http://bugzilla.maptools.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2313)

Thanks again for this feedback!

happy friday to all.


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On 11-04-12 10:47 AM, Rahkonen Jukka wrote:
I have a pretty basic mapfile without my own OUTPUTFORMAT settings. MS
6.0 beta4 is advertising image/jpeg in the GetCapabilities. However, if
I use it in the GetMap I am getting my request back from the server. I
mean that by browser shows me exactly the same query as a result in test
format that I was sending from the URL line. I have never before seen
this behaviour. If I change format into image/png or image/gif I am
getting a proper image back. I am testing with MS4W package.
-Jukka Rahkonen-

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