Hi Bob,

Hmm I have been in that same situation many times.  My thoughts:

- since your map image is created properly on disk, this means that there is no problem with your IMAGEPATH setting in your mapfile - however there might be a problem with your IMAGEURL setting in your mapfile. In your mapping application, in Firefox right-click where the map image is supposed to be, and select "View Image"...does that URL in the location bar match what you specified in the mapfile's IMAGEURL setting? (and verify that you have configured your Apache correctly for that alias)

For example, MapServer for Windows (MS4W) comes with Apache configured for a "ms_tmp" alias, which points to /ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/ on your harddrive.

Those are my initial thoughts when hitting that error.


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On 11-05-02 11:29 AM, Bistrais, Bob wrote:
I have an application which doesn’t show its map image. I think it’s not
accessing the tmp directory for the image, in Firebug I get a 404 not
found error. I can see the map image in a Windows Explorer, and view the
image graphic. I know this must be something simple, but I’m perplexed.
Other than the imagedir variable in the Map file, can anyone think of
another place to check? Permissions issue?

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