
Thanks a lot for the quick help. I am a PHP/Java guy. I shall try my
luck with some sort of PHP scripting as I need a solution fairly
quickly. I had made the suggestion of shifting to a PostGIS system
quite some time back but I guess you know how it is with approvals :)

Thanks again,

On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 4:42 PM, Mr. Puneet Kishor <punk.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On May 3, 2011, at 3:36 PM, Varun saraf wrote:
>> Hi Puneet,
>> Thanks a lot for the prompt reply. I tried using Excel 2007 and was
>> not able to re-save the dbf file after editing. Also, I am having DBF
>> files with about a million records and Excel tends to hang for these
>> operations.
> Now you tell us ;-). My sense is that most gui-based tools will choke on 
> million+ rows. You might well want to "upgrade" to a Pg/PostGIS solution at 
> some point, but I realize that is not what you are asking for... (also, I 
> believe the most recent Excel versions might have lost the DBF translation 
> capabilities -- I am not an Excel person, so I can't confirm... besides, I 
> use Macs, and Excel is most likely hobbled on Macs anyway).
>> Is there some tool other than Excel which can do these
>> operations?
> I remember using Perl and XBase.pm to do this. It was really very quick and 
> trivial, but it was a long time ago. Choose your language of choice. Try R.
>> Thanks,
>> Varun
>> On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 4:27 PM, Mr. Puneet Kishor <punk.k...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> On May 3, 2011, at 3:19 PM, Varun saraf wrote:
>>>> ..Is there a DBF editor out
>>>> there that can be used to import the fields from any external data
>>>> source into the shapefile attribute DBF without affecting the
>>>> structure? I looked for a lot but they do not have the capability of
>>>> doing a JOIN based on a common field and pulling data into the
>>>> shapefile DBF automatically.
>>> Just use MS-Excel or any program that can open up and write DBF. As long as 
>>> you are careful to not change the number of rows, just add additional 
>>> columns, and make sure the column names are not changed, and follow the 
>>> various DBF limitations, you should be ok. Make sure to keep a backup of 
>>> the original DBF in case things go ka-pow!
>>> Since the DBF data and the geometry are in separate files, there is no 
>>> issue with adding more attributes provide you follow the care noted above.
>>> ..
>>> Puneet.
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