Hello Joanne,

In my case I always use EPSG:3978 now for any of my applications which previously used the custom 42304...no change to the data is needed.

PS. glad to hear that you are using it...I wish the Atlas maintainers would also as well.


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On 11-06-29 6:54 PM, myOpenLayersUName wrote:
Oh Jeff,

It seems I'm always saying "no" to that question from you and then finding
out later that I should have said "yes" but didn't realize it. So, first of
all, thank you for continuing to respond to my questions even when I'm
repeatedly too slow to follow something that's readily apparent to others.

Unfortunately, in answer to your question this time, I'm going to go with
"sort of."  You have confirmed my understanding of what happened, but I'm
still not sure which of these two new EPSG codes I should be picking to
update my own application and get away from using 42304.

Can I just change the EPSG code to one or the other of the new ones (or
either, since they seem to be the same as far as I can tell)? Or, do I have
to reproject the data from the old 42304 to one of them before I can do
this? When I compare the PROJ4 definitions of the new and old, they aren't
the same and that suggests I need to reproject but someone told me that I
should not have to do that... that I should be able to just change the code
in my Mapfiles and OpenLayers WMS definitions.

How do I proceed?

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