Hello all,

I'm just upgrading our system from mapserver 5.4.2 to 5.6.6.
In some of our layer queries, I got now error:
msPostGISParseData(http://mapserver.org/input/vector/postgis.html): Query 
error. Error parsing PostGIS DATA variable.  You must specifiy 'using unique' 
when supplying a subselect in the data definition.
When using 5.4.2, this is not happaning and maps are working ok.

On mapserver/postgis manual ()it says:
The DATA parameter is used to specify the data used to draw the map. The form 
of DATA is “[geometry_column] from [table_name|sql_subquery] using unique 
[unique_key] using srid=[spatial_reference_id]”. The “using unique” and “using 
srid=” clauses are optional, but using them improves performance.

Is this a bug or why I cannot anymore use queries without "using unique"?


Wippies-vallankumous on täällä! Varmista paikkasi vallankumouksen eturintamassa 
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