Please see the end of the email for a variation on this problem --

On Aug 24, 2011, at 11:14 AM, Mr. Puneet Kishor wrote:

> I need a tute (or a pointer to one online) on how to color polys in a 
> thematic map based on values retrieved from a separate table. I have
> table a
> -------
> gid
> attrib_id
> the_geom
> table b
> -------
> attrib_id
> attrib_name
> color_rgb (values such as "242 242 33" and "255 255 0")
> I would like to have MS color the polys and name the layers, ideally without 
> having to create the CLASS definitions for each of the 80+ attribs, something 
> akin to
>    LAYER
>        NAME "my layer"
>        STATUS ON
>        ..
>        DATA "the_geom FROM (SELECT gid, the_geom, attrib_name, color_rgb FROM 
> a JOIN b ON a.attrib_id = b.attrib_id) view USING UNIQUE gid"
>        CLASS
>            NAME       [attrib_name]
>            STYLE
>                COLOR        [color_rgb]
>                OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
>            END
>        END
>    END
> How do I accomplish something like above?

Instead of getting the attrib name and color from the database, I want to get 
them from a remote web service. Could something like this be accomplished via 
SLDs? That is, MapServer requests an SLD from a remote server that tells it how 
to color each of the classes in the layer.

Many tia.

Puneet Kishor _______________________________________________
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