On 04/09/2011 19:07, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
On 11-09-04 09:33 AM, Armin Burger wrote:
Hi all

I noticed a strange behaviour of MapServer (5.6.7 and 6.0.1) when
defining for
a raster layer based on an ECW file a processing parameter for the
bands order


The order of the bands does not have any effect. The image is always
in the original band order 1,2,3, whatever I define for the BANDS
value. If I
just define a single band, like
"BANDS=3" or "BANDS=1"
then it's displaying it correctly using the right band.

This problem seems just to appear for ECW files, not e.g. for Tiff
files. If I
wrap a VRT image around the ECW and use this VRT in the DATA tag of
the map
file then the BANDS order is taken into account, just not when
defining the
DATA using the pure ECW file.

Any ideas what's going wrong?


I suspect that the special interleaved read method in the GDAL ECW driver
is not properly honouring the list of bands passed in to it. If this is
the problem then it might not have come up with earlier mapserver versions
that didn't do such reads in one interleaved request.

If this is the issue then please test with GDAL "trunk" and if the problem
persists file a ticket against GDAL.

Best regards,


thanks for the quick reply. I tested the same configuration using the GDAL trunk from today and the problem persists. I filed a ticket for it on GDAL Trac (#4234).

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