Hmm, any hints for what I should search for?

Am 04.09.2011 19:35, schrieb Michael G.:
> Hello,
> I am rendering vectordata from a PostGIS database which works like a charm.
> My layer definition looks like this:
>     LAYER
>         NAME "vector"
>         METADATA
>             "wms_include_items" "all"
>             "wms_title" "dortmund_basic"
>         END
>         TEMPLATE gfi.html
>         TYPE POLYGON
>         ## Should be inherited from MAP level, but is good practice to have
> here, too: ##(or not? <.<)
>         #PROJECTION
>         #   "init=epsg:900913"
>         #END
>         DUMP true
>         CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
>         CONNECTION "host=x dbname=x user=x password=x port=5432"
>         DATA "the_geom FROM x"
>         CLASS
>             STYLE
>                 COLOR 200 50 50
>                 OUTLINECOLOR 60 60 60
>                 #SYMBOL 0
>                 ANTIALIAS true
>                 OPACITY 80  # in percent
>             END
>         END
>     END
> Right now, I have not fully grasped how features/information is saved along
> with the vector data in the PostGIS database, but I am also not maintaining
> it. Supposingly we will have a float-value saved along with every vector.
> Can someone explain or give me hints, how I could map such a value which is
> saved along into a color? Like a brighter shade of red the higher the value 
> is?
> Sincerely
> Michael Gajda
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