I am looking for some recent tutes on rendering ERDAS .img files. A bit of the 

I inherited these data as an ArcMap .mdb dataset which has metadata.xml, a few 
other sundry files, and inside a directory with .idb extension, many more 
folders, each containing a .img file, and a corresponding .rrd and .xml file. A 
simple layer definition like so allows me to get the tiles displaying in the 
browser (via OpenLayers) --

                NAME    "lyr"
                TYPE    RASTER
                DATA    "foo.img"
                PROCESSING "SCALE=AUTO"
                STATUS  ON
                OFFSITE 0 0 0

But, the tiles don't make for a continuous image. I can see the tile 
boundaries. Besides correcting that, I would also like to be able to apply 
different color ramps, and, finally, I would like to be able to query either 
single pixel values (click on the map and get the underlying value), or some 
kind of stats on pixels in an area.

Would appreciate any tutorials/write-ups if anyone has done this.

Many thanks,

Puneet Kishor_______________________________________________
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