Hi List,

I'm trying to install Mapserver 6.0.1 with GEOS 3.2.3.

My configuration:
/./configure --with-ogr=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config --with-proj=/usr/local --with-wmsclient --with-wmsserver --with-curl-config=/usr/bin/curl-config --with-php=/usr/include/php5 --with-freetype --with-wfs --with-fastcgi=/usr --with-xml2-config=/usr/bin/xml2-config --with-geos=/usr/local/bin/geos-config/

There is no error message during compilation.
./mapserv shows me:
/./mapserv: error while loading shared libraries: libgeos_c.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory/

But libgeos_c.so.1 is in /usr/local/lib and GEOS 3.2.3 is correctly installed. The Path in the Makefile is also correct: /GEOS_LIB= -L/usr/local/lib -lgeos_c/

Any suggestions?

Best regards,

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