Hey, MapServer users,

I am forwarding an announcement from the FOSS4G-NA organizing committee, hoping to see many of you there!


FOSS4G North America is one month away! Due to venue restrictions (400
max!), we only have a limited number of registration spaces still
remaining, so sign up soon!

* The full program is here, online at http://foss4g-na.org/program/
* Online registration is here, at http://foss4g-na.org/registration/
* Rooms at nearby hotels are available too, in a limited room block,

We are proud of our program, which includes talks from open source
developers, managers and visionaries. FOSS4G North America is a great
opportunity to learn about the statue of the art, and how people are
putting open source to use in their organizations.

We hope to see you in DC!

FOSS4G North America
Paul Ramsey (Chair), OpenGeo
Bonnie Bogle (Program Chair), MapBox

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