
> 1.) No database table is specified in the raster layer configuration. Does
> that mean my table name would be equal to layer name ?

no, the tiles are fetched from the query in the DATA attribute of the
time_idx layer:

DATA "the_geom from nexrad_n0r_tindex"

where the_geom is the geometry column, and nexrad_n0r_tindex is the table name.

> 2.) Why is there no database connection configuration?

it is in the CONNECTION and CONNETIONTYPE attributes of the time_idx  layer.

> 3.) If I am using PostGIS2.0 do I still need to provide "Tile Index" if yes
> how ?

Never tried with 2.0, but nothing should change

Paolo Corti
Geospatial software developer
web: http://www.paolocorti.net
twitter: @capooti
skype: capooti
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