
Layer2 should come always together with Layer1 If you put this line in Layer2 

 REQUIRES "[Layer1]"

Without testing I cannot guarantee that I remember it right.  For me the logic 
of keyword "REQUIRES" feels reversed because my brain says that Layer2 is 
rather required by Layer1. Perhaps native English speakers think it is OK and 
explicit like it is now.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Andrea Peri  wrote:
I'm using MapServer trunk version.

Thx to Stephen Woodbridge response,

I'm able to avoid the use of a single layer of a group.

Now I have another (perhaps) more complex question.

I need to realize a map file with a configuration that
when the Layer1 is ligh-on from the user (using a wms request), the map 
response will contains also another "Layer2".

But I cannot use the "group" element because the two layers (Layer1 and layer2) 
are not in the same group.
They are in two distinct and different groups.

So I guess to allow this should be available a command like "requires", but 
that force the light-on of Layer2 instead of deny the light-on of the layer1.

Is this available on mapServer ?


Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù

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