Hi All, 


I have a question relating to opacity of a layer. My requirement is to
change the opacity of a layer for a particular client. I thought, I can
achieve this using map script. But, one thing which is not clear to me is :
If I change the opacity of a layer through the map script , will the changes
get reflected back in to the map file and then to any other clients
accessing that map file?


If I make changes to the existing map object using mapscript , will those
changes be reflected back on to the map file? Please someone clarify me this


Thanks in advance!




Sowmya Tiramdasu

QCoherent Software

9668 Madison Blvd., Suite 202

Madison, AL 35758

(256) 461-8289 Telephone 

(256) 461-8249 Fax

 <http://www.geocue.com/> www.geocue.com


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