Hi all

Sorry for this v.basic question.  Trying to load a layer from SQL 2008 R2
64bit using the msplugin_mssql2008.dll and when running shp2image it just
bombs out on that layer saying neither DSN nor Server keyword supplied.
Two things I can see could be the issue - accessing the plugin itself (any
way to test if that is actually loaded okay?) or that the connection string
is duff.
The SQL instance is the default instance on the same box as the web
application, I have seen various flavours of connections out there,with
different starts to the string and ways to define instance.  Below is what
I went with....

  PLUGIN "msplugin_mssql2008.dll"

I have the dll in the data folder for the mapfile (it does live in the
mapfile folder and system32 just in case - hardwiring the path using
c:\...\...\msplugin_mssql2008.dll didn't work either)

I am unsure about the beginning of the connection string and the server
reference (I am using the server name  (as it is a default instance - works
in my web apps)).

Any clues much appreciated

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