On 2/14/2013 10:11 AM, Murat Beyhan wrote:
Dear Friend
After installing mapserver 6.0.1 I have faced a problem that
I could not post string variable into the map file.
It was working well for mapserver 5.4.2 but it doesn't work for new version
from html file I have sending eq_id to the map file
and in layer I use the following

  <SrcSQL>SELECT sta_id,latitude,longitude from pgav where eq_id like
"%eq_id%"  </SrcSQL>

it was worked for mapserver 5.4.2 but I could not sent when I installed
new version of map file.
May be it caused by new apache2 server. But in case please help me.

In the newer version of mapserver you have to add validation regexs to all variables. This is a security update.

read: http://mapserver.org/cgi/runsub.html

-Steve W
mapserver-users mailing list

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