
We have a server (x64) with mapserver 6.2 on it which is generally running
Until we are trying to access an ESRI FileGDB layer when we keep getting:

msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named
msOGRFileOpen(): OGR error. Open failed for OGR connection in layer
`MMBDLine&#39;.  File not found or unsupported format.

If we test with shp2img on the same map file - it all works - so obviously
we have the ogr drivers installed on the server ok.

If I use something like sysinternals to check the files accessed - the
mapserver call scans the plugins folder - sees the plugin dll there - but
never seems to load it.
Same call on shp2img appears to access and load the dll properly and all
Not seeing any other obvious errors.

Any clues ?
I 've wondered about
 - different user accounts - but I don't seem to be getting any access
denied errors.
 - 64 bit - I made sure the IIS application pool was 32 bit
 - some other pathing issue - do I need a path variable set or somesuch ?

Many Thanks
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