
I have had some troubles with using ogrtileindex on Linux (CentOS) with 
Mapserver 6.2.1.  I faced two dictinct issues.

1) Uppercase/lowercase trouble with file names of the source vectors when using 
the MS native connection.
My shapefiles had names like "MM26P3CP.SHP". I created an ogrtindex file from 
those and used the native connection as
TILEINDEX "ogrtindextest.shp,0" 

Result was an error and Mapserver told that it could not open file 
MM26P3CP.SHP,0. A desperate trial revealed me that if I renamed all my source 
shapefiles to lowercase characters the native connection started to work.

2) Http 503 server error when using OGR connection and SLD_BODY in the WMS 
GetMap request.
The original source files with uppercase characters in the file names work in 
stardard WMS usage by using OGR connection instead of the native one
TILEINDEX "ogrtindextest.shp,0" 

However, our application is sending WMS GetMaps with SLD_BODY parameter and 
with OGR connection the result is always a server error.

I have made a test on Windows with MS4W and Mapserver version 6.3-dev and I can 
not reproduce those errors. I prepared a complete zip file from my MS4W test 
set-up with mapfile, couple of original shapefiles, corresponding ogrtindex 
file and GetMap request with SLD_BODY and it is downloadable from here

As I said there are no troubles with MS4W but on our Linux server the ogrtindex 
does not work with native connection and with OGR connection using SLD_BODY in 
the GetMap request leads to server error.

The problem is not acute for us anymore because I have renamed the original 
shapefiles to lowercase and now we can use the native tindex connection and 
SLD_BODY works. However, it took so many hours to to analyze the problem that I 
think it is worth reporting my findings here.

-Jukka Rahkonen-
mapserver-users mailing list

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