On 9/27/2013 9:56 AM, tday wrote:
Here is what the shptoimage did:

... ~]$ shp2img -map_debug 5 -m /.../wfs.map -o test.png

[Fri Sep 27 08:44:36 2013].926937 loadLayer(): Unknown identifier. Parsing
error near (GEOMTRANSFORM):(line 131)
[Fri Sep 27 08:44:36 2013].927117 msFreeMap(): freeing map at 0x9a152f0.
loadLayer(): Unknown identifier. Parsing error near (GEOMTRANSFORM):(line
131) <br>

This says that you have an error in the mapfile on line 131 and that likely GEOMTRANSFORM is not supported at the layer level for you version of mapserver.

/path/to/mapserv -v

will tell you what version you are running. Then check if the GEOMTRANSFORM at the LAYER level is support in that version.

-Steve W

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