
I would like to test the new dynamic heatmaps 
http://mapserver.org/development/rfc/ms-rfc-108.html but I am on Windows and 
Mapserver project is not extremely Windows friendly nowadays. Ideal for users 
like me would be to have for example weekly builds which could be installed 
like MS4W - unzip and run. But we don't have such builds and MS4W lags so much 
behind that curious users need to use something else.

What I have done sometimes is to make a basic install with MS4W and then 
download fresh development binaries from gisinternals. By copying mapserv.exe 
and GDAL dll files into ms4w\apache\cgi-bin it is usually possible to make the 
new Mapserver dev version to run. However, the result is often unstable and 
some strange things happen.  Probably I have then something incompatible in 
GDAL directories of MS4W and I should copy some more files. Is it even 
theoretically possible to update MS4W reliably in this way?
Another alternative is obviously to use OSGeo4W installer. However, I feel it 
is a somewhat odd creature which installs this and that even I would only like 
to test Mapserver. I seem to have about 1 GB on disk while MS4W is perhaps 200 
MB.  It is also impossible to know what all OSGeo4W installer is updating when 
is installs a new nightly build of Mapserver so I think it is necessary to make 
a backup copy of the whole OSGeo4W directory if there happens to be a need to 
go back to yesterday's version.

What other Windows users and developers consider as a best way to stay close to 
the cutting edge? Other than to start using Linux, I mean.

-Jukka Rahkonen-
mapserver-users mailing list

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