The JSON template has *[feature trimlast=","]* for a single layer that may
return multiple records, but I don't see that functionality for the whole
JSON object. For example if I have two layers but only one returns results
I end up with a trailing comma and invalid JSON.

// MapServer template
  [resultset layer=layer1]
    [feature trimlast=","]
    { ... }
  },   // might need to trim this comma if layer below doesn't return result

  [resultset layer=layer2]
    [feature trimlast=","]
    { ... }
  }   // no comma here because we think it's last result object

I can work around it by putting a comma and empty object at the end:
which is the way I've done it when writing JSON with standard templates,
but that's sort of inconsistent with the [feature trimlast=","] option.

Am I missing anything? Should I file a feature enhancement request?

And trimlast="," does seem to need to require double, not single quotes.


Richard Greenwood
mapserver-users mailing list

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