hi again,

I am still preparing my MapServer workshop for FOSGISS in Berlin next
week. Last topic is a join-example and I cannot get it to work :(

this is my join in the layer:
>   JOIN
>     NAME "test"
>     TABLE "./shapes_join/join.csv"
>     FROM "osm_id"
>     TO "1"
> #    TO "0"
> #    TO "tab_1"
> #    TO "osm_id"
>   END

the first lines of the csv:
> osm_id;name_join
> 21484050;Karlshorst
> 21484076;Schmöckwitz
> 21484102;Adlershof
> 27380127;Bohnsdorf
> 28094136;Schöneberg

and here is the featureonfo-output:
GetFeatureInfo results:

Layer 'places'
  Feature 137:
    osm_id = '560483810'
    name = 'Neu-Hohenschönhausen'
    type = 'suburb'
    population = '''

no 'name_join' :(

tried upper und lower cases for column-names

funny: the only output in errorlog (level5) is:
> [Thu Mar 13 10:48:52 2014].209278 msSearchDiskTree(): Search returned no 
> results. Unable to open spatial index for 
> /home/user/data/mapserverIIWS/./shapes_join/places_join.qix. In most cases 
> you can safely ignore this message, otherwise check file names and 
> permissions.
> [Thu Mar 13 10:48:52 2014].209678 freeLayer(): freeing layer at 0x9451cd8.
'Search returned no results.' but there are results....

$ ogrinfo join.csv lookup -summary
 INFO: Open of `join.csv'
       using driver `CSV' successful.
 FAILURE: Couldn't fetch requested layer lookup!

This is my only hint but unfortunatly I don't know what ogr wants to
tell me.

regards, Jörg

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