
For my mind WFS delivers vector data who do not really have any scale but you 
may have some idea about how you define the scale. Perhaps like "Send me 
vectors for the same area than my raster background map which comes from WMS 
and has a scale of 1:x". However, I do not believe that WFS server can compute 
anything like scale from the standard WFS GetFeature parameters because 
equivalent to raster pixel size is missing.

Have you considered to use variable substitution by reading the data from 
PostGIS or Spatialite, defining DATA as "select 
ST_Simplify(geometry,%tolerance%) as geometry,..." and make your application to 
send the tolerance variable with GetFeature requests? Make it to compute the 
tolerance by for example the width of BBOX if you use it in your GetFeatures.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Tom wrote:

Hi folks,

I’m trying to implement a kind of ‘feature generalization’ so that the feature 
data in my WFS responses will be appropriate to the map zoom level.  I see two 
basic techniques I could use to do this:

1)      Use different shapefiles at different zoom levels

2)      Use GEOMTRANSFORM somehow

Of these two, GEOMTRANSFORM seems like the least hassle.  However, I can’t seem 
to figure out a way to factor in my map’s scale into the amount of shape 
simplification.  When I’m zoomed out, the shapes should be simplified a lot.  
When I’m zoomed the whole way in, I should be using finer detail.  Is there a 
variable I can use in this expression? GEOMTRANSFORM (simplifypt([shape], 
[map_cellsize] * 10))

[map_scale] would be nice, if it existed.


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