try right clicking on one of the pink tiles to open it in a new browser
window, or alternately look in your apache access/error logs. You should
get an error message that should give you a head start. 502 errors are
usually a sign that the source wms server is producing an error instead of
an image, the actual error message should be returned back to you.


On 1 October 2014 09:50, Sithila Konara <> wrote:

> <>
> I have implemented mapserver in Ubuntu 14.04 with postgresql 9.3, postgis
> and imposm using GitHub tutorial
> <>.
> After completing the tutorial all map services display pink tiles not map
> info. i was not encounter with any issues during the tutorial run. any
> reason to this?
> Following screenshots for your reference.
> [image: enter image description here] [image: enter image description
> here] [image: enter image description here]
> When I check network I saw some errors as follows it shows as bad gate way
> and internal server error [image: enter image description here]
> here's my basemap makefile and mapcache.xml file
>    - *basemap/makefile*
> UNAME := $(shell uname)
> ifeq ($(UNAME), Darwin)
> SED=sed -i ""else
> SED=sed -i
> endif
> CPP=gcc -E -x c#if the preprocessor fails for some reason, try replacing this 
> with "cpp" on linux, or "cpp-4.2" on darwin (not available starting with 
> mountain lion)
> OSM_PREFIX=osm_new_
> OSM_SRID=4326
> OSM_EXTENT=-180 -90 180 90
> OSM_SRID=3857
> OSM_UNITS=meters
> OSM_DB_CONNECTION=host=localhost dbname=osm user=osm password=osm port=5432
> OSM_EXTENT=-20000000 -20000000 20000000 20000000
> OSM_WMS_SRS=EPSG:900913 EPSG:4326 EPSG:3857 EPSG:2154 EPSG:310642901 
> EPSG:4171 EPSG:310024802 EPSG:310915814 EPSG:310486805 EPSG:310702807 
> EPSG:310700806 EPSG:310547809 EPSG:310706808 EPSG:310642810 EPSG:310642801 
> EPSG:310642812 EPSG:310032811 EPSG:310642813 EPSG:2986
> STYLE=google#can also use google or bing
>    - *mapcache-osm.xml*
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!-- see the accompanying 
> for a 
> fully commented configuration file --><mapcache><cache name="disk" 
> type="disk">
>     <base>/home/sithila/osm-demo/mapcache/cache</base> <!-- Change Path here 
> -->
>     <symlink_blank/></cache>
> <source name="osm" type="wms">
>     <getmap>
>         <params>
>             <FORMAT>image/png</FORMAT>
>             <LAYERS>default</LAYERS>
>             <MAP>/home/sithila/osm-demo/basemaps/</MAP> <!-- 
> Change Path here -->
>         </params>
>     </getmap>
>     <http>
>         <url>http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?</url> <!-- Change server here 
> -->
>     </http></source><tileset name="osm">
>     <metadata>
>         <title>OSM MapServer served map</title>
>         <abstract>see 
>     </metadata>
>     <source>osm</source>
>     <cache>disk</cache>
>     <grid>WGS84</grid>
>     <grid>g</grid>
>     <format>PNG</format>
>     <metatile>5 5</metatile>
>     <metabuffer>10</metabuffer>
>     <expires>10000</expires>
>     <auto_expire>86400</auto_expire>  </tileset>
> <default_format>JPEG</default_format>
> <service type="wms" enabled="true">
>     <full_wms>assemble</full_wms>
>     <resample_mode>bilinear</resample_mode>
>     <format>JPEG</format>
>     <maxsize>4096</maxsize></service>
> <service type="wmts" enabled="true"/><service type="tms" 
> enabled="true"/><service type="kml" enabled="true"/><service type="gmaps" 
> enabled="true"/><service type="ve" enabled="true"/><service type="demo" 
> enabled="true"/>
> <errors>report</errors><lock_dir>/tmp</lock_dir></mapcache>
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