
I would recommend to make a test with Mapserver 7.0-beta and GDAL 1.11.2 or at 
least with 6.4 and 1.10. Your case does feel like an obvious bug but  Mapserver 
6.0.3 or GDAL 1.8.0 are out of maintenance.

I have some ideas for workarounds:

You can try if it makes difference to use either the native PostGIS driver or 
GDAL OGR driver (CONNECTIONTYPW OGR). You can also try to add

gml_[item name]_type into the layer metadata 
http://mapserver.org/ogc/wfs_server.html but I do not know if Mapserver 6.0 
supports it and probably it does not change anything because your schema is 
good already. And perhaps using PropertyIsLike instead of PropertyIsEqualTo 
could work.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

bteluk wrote:

I can't shine any light on the problem but I have encountered the same problem. 
Using MapServer v6.0.3, with Postgres 9.1.3, PostGIS v 1.5.3, GDAL v1.8.0. WFS 
Posted Query looks like this:

  <wfs:GetFeature service="WFS"
    <wfs:Query typeName="PostCodeArea">

The DescribeFeatureType for that layer shows the following for the attribute:

<element name="pcode" type="string"/>

PostgreSQL has the attribute field specified as a string:

pcode     | character varying(10) |

Server responds:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
  <ServiceExceptionReport version="1.2.0"
    <ServiceException code="NoApplicableCode" locator="mapserv">
msWFSGetFeature(): WFS server error. FLTApplyFilterToLayer() failed
msPostGISLayerWhichShapes(): Query error. Error executing query: ERROR:  
operator does not exist: character varying = integer
LINE 1: ...90 -5,165 -5,165 -50,90 -50))&#39;,4283) and ( (&quot;pcode&quot;= 
3168) )
HINT:  No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need 
to add explicit type casts.


Postgres Log shows:

2015-02-27 16:11:42.394 EST gecli  operator does not 
exist: character varying = integer at character 250
2015-02-27 16:11:42.394 EST gecli  No operator matches 
the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.
2015-02-27 16:11:42.394 EST gecli  select 
 as geom,"gid" from sensis.postcode where the_geom && 
ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((90 -50,90 -5,165 -5,165 -50,90 -50))',4283) and ( 
("pcode"= 3168) )

Certainly appears that the query put to PostGIS is incorrect - it's not quoting 
the literal value. I have a similar MapServer layer that's based on ESRI 
Shapefile - same effective attribute set up, and it works fine - of course it's 
not going via PostgreSQL/PostGIS - so it seems that the problem is specific to 
the PostgreSQL/PostGIS interface? I tried mucking around with including 
PostgreSQL casts on the literal eg. "3168::text", using "CAST(pcode as int)" on 
the PropertyName etc with no luck. Using "PropertyIsLike" did work, but is not 
an ideal solution.
View this message in context: Re: WFS filter creates a query using a number 
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