Am 28.04.2015 um 08:11 schrieb thomas bonfort:
Are you using the GD or AGG renderer? Do all truetype fonts exhibit
this behavior? Can you test the 7.0 beta on this? Can you provide a
self contained test-case to reproduce this?
Lots of questions :)

OK, to compare 5.6.7, 6.4.1 and 7.0.0beta, I compiled all three versions under centos 6.5 and
created a simple mapfile:

Using the AGG renderer only because of its much better rendering, and got these results through the legend command:

mapserver 5.6.7 (

mapserver 6.4.1 (

mapserver 7.0.0beta (

There are clear differences in the rendered font sizes, but 5.6.7 and 7.0.0beta1 do not truncate the text, only 6.4.1 does.

For me the question is if (or when) 7.0.0 is production quality already, and not only the mapserver itself but also mapcache, as the internet map services of the City of Munich are going to use that for the background maps.

Best regards

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