
The add-ons are great work. However, my point is that without doing any 
additional installations the best that a new Mapserver user can achieve is "No 
query information to decode. QUERY_STRING is set, but empty." while everybody 
who has installed Geoserver can read WMS GetCapabilities from http://localhost 
:8080 and either add the service to any WMS or play with the demo viewer:

I still think that the best marketing we could do for Mapserver would be to 
offer an immediate out-of-box experience for Mapserver users on any platform 
"Hey, it makes maps! "

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Jeff McKenna wrote:

>  Hi Jukka,

> Speaking of that, I spent a considerable amount of time for this release 
> setting up the MS4W add-ons for this version (MapServer 7).  Actually this 
> does handle the needs you mention.  Such as OGC: well there is an MS4W add-on 
> named "MapServer OGC Workshop" that contains so many links to services and 
> working mapfiles (all working for MapServer 7).  Need full applications 
> working with MapServer 7? : well there is GeoMOOSE (latest release) or 
> Mapbender (latest release), all ready for you to use with MS4W.  Looking for 
> the original (as in Steve Lime's CGI demo), it works now with MapServer 7 
> even, as an MS4W add-on, named "MapServer Itasca Demo Application". :)

In total there is over 500 MB of working mapfiles, data, applications ready to 
get you going.

Give them a try: http://www.ms4w.com/download.html

See you on the new MS4W list.


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services http://www.gatewaygeomatics.com/

On 2015-09-23 11:39 AM, Rahkonen Jukka (MML) wrote:
> Hi Jeff,
> That will be great. I am sure that Mapserver has frightened away thousands of 
> new users because it is so difficult to make the very first map.  Just 
> compare it with Geoserver that comes with the data_dir and fine collection of 
> readymade demo services and layers. It is not so easy to make Mapserver demos 
> which would work out-of-the box on both Windows and Linux, but making it to 
> work in MS4W will be a good start.
> -Jukka-
> -----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
> Lähettäjä: Jeff McKenna [mailto:jmcke...@gatewaygeomatics.com]
> Lähetetty: 23. syyskuuta 2015 4:18
> Vastaanottaja: Rahkonen Jukka (MML)
> Aihe: Re: [mapserver-users] Announcing the new MS4W
> Hi Jukka,
> Great idea, actually I have something ready from a workshop that can 
> be used.  Will add it with the upcoming GDAL 2.0.1
> -jeff
> On 2015-09-22 10:40 AM, Rahkonen Jukka (MML) wrote:
>> Hi Jeff,
>> I believe that MapServer should offer an immediate "It works" experience for 
>> new users. Could you consider to include some demo data and mapfiles into 
>> the standard delivery of MS4W? They could be placed for example into 
>> \apps\demo.  Once they are there we could have WMS GetMap links with 
>> &FORMAT=image/png and &FORMAT=application/openlayers on a visible place of 
>> the html page that opens from http://localhost.  Or the OpenLayers map could 
>> even be included on the start page by default.
>> If you think it is a good idea I can make some first few mapfiles on top of 
>> Natural Earth countries. It seems to mean about 5 MB extra as zipped but I 
>> do believe that it would be worth it.  I could start with these:
>> - Hello world WMS - simple but still complete with enough WMS metadata, and 
>> naturally debug and ms_errorfile.
>> - WMS with some styling
>> - WMS with labels
>> - WMS with GetFeatureInfo
>> - WFS
>> I could also write a short document about how to get the first map with 
>> shp2img, browser, and with a few GIS program.
>> Regards,
>> -Jukka Rahkonen-
>> Jeff McKenna wrote: Announcing the new MS4W
>>> Hi everyone!
>>> Just in time for FOSS4G-Seoul, I'm very proud to announce the new MS4W[1]  
>>> MS4W is thriving, as you can see by its long history[2] of releases, and 
>>> the last few months has seen a lot of development.  Much thanks goes to 
>>> Tanya Haddad for her support for this release, it has been quite an effort 
>>> updating the full stack (the number of libraries updated and added is large 
>>> as you see in the recent history).
>>> You'll also note that there has been releases happening, we just needed a 
>>> new home for people to find them.  It's quite exciting to live at ms4w.com 
>>> now, and you'll also notice that we have been using a new tracker[3] which 
>>> has been working well (please feel free to use it).
>> You may also notice that releases now have a Roadmap[4], every 3 months with 
>> dated milestones, and you can follow along the exact changes coming through 
>> the tracker link on that page.
>> This 3.1.0 release has some tasty features, including optimized 
>> Apache 2.4, MapServer 7.0, PHP 5.4.45, all mapscripts, Oracle 
>> support, MapCache
>> 1.4.0 (with GDAL support), TinyOWS 1.1.1, spatialite/OSM utilities, and many 
>> many more goodies.  New users might like to start at the features[5] page to 
>> review.
>> Finally we have moved to a new mailing list (I haven't been able to 
>> post to my own old MS4W mailing list for almost 2 years now): please 
>> join, as all releases will be announced and support given through the 
>> new MS4W list[6] So, I'll cya there! :)
>> Thanks so much everyone, I am quite excited.
>> [1] http://www.ms4w.com/
>> [2] http://www.ms4w.com/HISTORY.html
>> [3] http://www.ms4w.com/trac/
>> [4] http://www.ms4w.com/roadmap.html
>> [5] http://www.ms4w.com/features.html [6] 
>> http://lists.ms4w.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ms4w-users
>> -jeff

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