I came across this, but I'm not quite sure to what other layer it should
relate? I would only have the 'Netherlands' description of the borders.

I do not want to use the world dataset file, because it's too big. I cannot
just add a 'complement' to the country layer or am I misinterpreting the
mask function?

It would be solved I believe if I could add a LAYER which did not require a
datasource and renders everything black, but that is not possible I
believe, because mapserver always requires a type and the annotation type
is deprecated since 6.2

Thanks in advance.

On 11 December 2015 at 20:57, Daniel Morissette <dmorisse...@mapgears.com>

> I think the MASK layer should do what you want:
> http://mapserver.org/development/rfc/ms-rfc-79.html
> Daniel
> On 2015-12-11 2:37 PM, Wim Vanbelle wrote:
>> Dear,
>> I have a country shapefile and I would like to style everything, besides
>> the one feature in the polygon.
>> This is a shapefile layer, so I'm wondering on how I could possibly
>> improve this:
>>          LAYER
>>                  NAME "gadm"
>>                  TYPE POLYGON
>>                  DATA "gadm28.shp"
>>                  STATUS default
>> DEBUG 4
>>                  CLASS
>> EXPRESSION ("[ISO]" != "NLD")
>>                          style
>>                                  color "#000000"
>>                          end
>>                  END
>>          END
>> Basically, I would like to only use the data from the netherlands (NLD),
>> because it's a lot less data, and color everything else, besides the one
>> feature that it has.
>> My above (working example) is taking the entire world and only filtering
>> out what I want to see.
>> The goal is to visually create a map of a single country and block out
>> all the rest ;-). It's rendered as a tile layer. (gmaps)
>> Thanks in advance for your feedback.
>> Best regards,
>> Wim
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> Daniel Morissette
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