On 2016-05-23 3:54 PM, Rahkonen Jukka (MML) wrote:

I am not sure how much WMS/WFS/WCS is included in the MS4W packages

Unfortunately we do not have default demo data and mapfiles which
installs with Mapserver and just works like Geoserver does.

Hi Jukka,

For fun this past Friday I checked how many working mapfiles are included in MS4W (with MapServer 7.0.1): 63 in total. Yup, 63. That includes WMS, WFS, WCS, SOS, OpenLayers3 mapfile, and tons of demo data. For MS4W users installing through the setup.exe, all mapfiles and paths are updated for their custom installation path.

If you ever notice a path issue in a mapfile please let me know, or you can also file a ticket in MS4W's tracker: http://ms4w.com/trac/

Thanks for mentioning MS4W.

Talk soon,

Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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