I haven't seen the libs-physically-disappear case, but I often reboot client servers and the libs 'cannot be found' (meaning executing mapserv doesn't search for the libs in the proper directory of /usr/local/lib/). In this case the solution is to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to that directory for your profile (this step changes for different linux flavors) and then re-run 'sudo ldconfig'.

As a side note, for good karma please refrain from sending your questions to multiple mailing lists at the same time. Thanks,


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On 2017-01-04 2:36 PM, Ian Walberg wrote:

We build and install from source any of the recent versions using cmake.

Then we copy the mapserv binary from /usr/local/bin to /var/www/cgi-bin to use 
with our apache install.

All is good unless we reboot and the libs in /usr/local/lib are removed, this 
is a Fedora 19 server.

Anyone know why this happens? What have we done wrong?



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