Hi all.   I'm trying to perform a runtime substitution in MapServer. My mapfile 
snippet is the following: 
 VALIDATION             "val_1" "^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?$"                  "val_2" 
"^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?$"            "val_3" "^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?$"            
"val_4" "^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?$"       END       METADATA              #various 
WMS parameters        END        TYPE line        STATUS on        
CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS        CONNECTION 'host=localhost port=5432 
user=stefanos password=myPassword dbname=dbName'                DATA "geom FROM 
(SELECT * FROM stored_function(%val_1%, %val_2%, %val_3%, %val_4%)) AS foo 
USING UNIQUE seq USING srid=2100"

If I pass the parameters in my url, everything works well. The problem occurs 
when I don't pass any parameter. The MS_ERROFILE gives me the following error:
Error (ERROR:  syntax error at or near "%"LINE 1: ...'hex') as geom,"seq" from 
(SELECT * FROM _a_route(%val_1%, %val_2%...                                     
It's necessary not to pass default values like  "default_val_1" "some_value"    
because of a weird setup of my stored function.

Is there any way to fix this ? 
Thanks a lot...!!

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