
I have two similar tilesets configured in Mapcache.  One of the tilesets 
displays a political map at small scales, then changes to an air photo map as 
the user zooms into the map.  The second tileset displays air photos at every 
zoom level.  It would be useful if these tilesets could share a single cache 
for zoom levels 5-11.  This way we could save a significant amount of space on 
the server.

Example #1:
Political and Air Photo Basemap:

*         Zoom level 0-4:  Use the cache from the "political map cache"

*         Zoom level 5-11: Use the cache from the "air photo cache"
Air Photo Basemap

*         Zoom level 0-11:  Use the cache from the "air photo cache"

*         Any tiles at level 5-11, which will take up the majority of the space 
on the sever will not need to be duplicated between the two tilesets.

Please let me know if it is possible to share caches between different tilesets.


Mark Volz, GISP
Lyon County GIS Coordinator

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