On 2020-2-27 9:41 pm, Atlanta Geek wrote:
The display traffic was an example and I was thinking it was just a GUI thing.  What I am actually modelling is cable laid in the ground.  And what I want to show is a heatmap representing the likelihood of there being an issue at this point on the fiber. The data will be stored as an array of numbers which each cell corresponds to a distance along a route.  This array could be thousands of values.The heatmap will be in the shape of the lines. So I did not want to have as many line segments as I do cells in the array just to represent one cable.

What's the platform that will show this? A GeoJSON/ KML to have icons might be really simple and a vector layer that works very well. Depends what thousands are... at 100 bytes per object, 1K points is only 100K, 10K points is a megabyte...

Best Regards,
2020-2-27 | 10:01 pm.

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