
I got my answers. Thanks guys!


On Wed, Feb 9, 2022 at 12:35 PM Jörg Thomsen (WhereGroup) <
joerg.thom...@wheregroup.com> wrote:

> Hello Sander,
>    1. Had issues with 4326 to 3301 transformation,the extent and all
>    that. (OpenLayers could manage but QGIS couldnt). Previously only had
>    ows_extent.
>    Is ows_extent even a thing? This only shows wms_extent
>    https://mapserver.org/ogc/wms_server.html#layer-object-metadata
>    Should you use wfs_extent and wms_extent instead?
> the wms_ / wfs_ / ows_ / oga_ (coming in MapServer 8) Metadata-entry are
> aiming on your output. So, if you only want to serve wms, you only need the
> wms_*.
> wfs_* conigures your WFS-server. If you want to serv wms and wfs and the
> parameters are the same, you can use ows_ instead.
>    1. My layer is doing an OGR connection directly to the API URL. Works
>    fine. My question is, the API renews itself every 2 minutes (new data).
>    How does Mapserver handle the request with that connection? I move the
>    map (openlayers), there's a new Mapserver request - does Mapserver make a
>    new request to the API endpoint and get a new json?
>    Or is there some sort of cache?
> No cache by default. MapServer requests the data source every time
> mapserver gets itself a getmap or get feature info request (or getfeature
> when serving wfs). So your WMS serves the actual data any time. If you want
> a cache, you have to configure mapcache or mapproxy separately.
>    1. Am I missing something else from the Metadata that I should
>    consider?
> I don't see anything missing
> Jörg
> Am 09.02.22 um 10:26 schrieb Sander Pukk:
> Hi there!
> Trying to use a geojson output from API directly in Mapserver layer.
> Geojson is per standard, 4326, but my Mapserver and OL (the client) is
> configured to 3301.
> We have hundreds of layers (mostly from Postgres) at the same time and the
> system works.
> No other direct API ones.
> The current MAP file's WEB part looks like this:
>   WEB
>>       METADATA
>>         "wfs_title"                     "title"
>>         "wfs_enable_request"            "*"
>>         "wms_enable_request"            "*"
>>         "wfs_encoding"                  "UTF-8"
>>         "wms_title"                     "title"
>>         "wms_encoding"                  "UTF-8"
>>         "wms_onlineresource"
>>  "url/mapserv?map=/app/gis/infokihid/infolayers_other.map&"
>>         "wfs_onlineresource"
>>  "url/mapserv?map=/app/gis/infokihid/infolayers_other.map&"
>>         "ows_srs"                            "EPSG:3301 EPSG:3857
>> EPSG:4326"
>>         "ows_enable_request"            "*"
>>         "wfs_getfeature_formatlist"     "gml,geojson"
>>         "wms_feature_info_mime_type"
>>  "application/json,application/json;
>> subtype=geojson,application/vnd.ogc.gml,text/plain"
>>       END
>>   END
>>       "init=epsg:3301"
>>   END
> And the layer:
>>         "init=epsg:4326"
>>     END
>>         "wfs_srs"               "EPSG:3301"
>>         "gml_msGeometry_type" "line"
> *         #"ows_extent" "40500 5993000 1064500 7017000" copy paste lon and
>> lat from these 3301 coordinates from other layer's capabilites*
>>         "ows_extent" "14.9318705986602 53.7681633673032 35.1060366818735
>> 63.2747817924556"
>>         "wfs_extent"        "14.9318705986602 53.7681633673032
>> 35.1060366818735 63.2747817924556"
>>         "wms_extent"        "14.9318705986602 53.7681633673032
>> 35.1060366818735 63.2747817924556"
>>         "ows_title" "road_restrictions"
>>         "ows_abstract" "road_restrictions"
>>         "ows_keywordlist" "road_restrictions"
>>         "ows_include_items" "all"
>>         "gml_include_items" "all"
>>         "ows_featureid" "id"
>>         "gml_exclude_items"         "edges,geometry"
>>         "ows_exclude_items"         "edges,geometry"
>>     END
>  Couple of questions I have which I didnt really find answers for:
>    1. Had issues with 4326 to 3301 transformation,the extent and all
>    that. (OpenLayers could manage but QGIS couldnt). Previously only had
>    ows_extent.
>    Is ows_extent even a thing? This only shows wms_extent
>    https://mapserver.org/ogc/wms_server.html#layer-object-metadata
>    Should you use wfs_extent and wms_extent instead?
>    2. My layer is doing an OGR connection directly to the API URL. Works
>    fine. My question is, the API renews itself every 2 minutes (new data).
>    How does Mapserver handle the request with that connection? I move the
>    map (openlayers), there's a new Mapserver request - does Mapserver make a
>    new request to the API endpoint and get a new json?
>    Or is there some sort of cache?
>    3. Am I missing something else from the Metadata that I should
>    consider?
> With kind regards,
> Sander
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> Viele Grüße,
> Jörg Thomsen
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> Jörg Thomsen
> WhereGroup GmbH
> Bundesallee 23
> 10717 Berlin
> Germany
> Tel: +49 (0)30 / 5130 278 74
> Fax: +49 (0)30 / 5130 278 11  
> joerg.thom...@wheregroup.comwww.wheregroup.com
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> Olaf Knopp, Peter Stamm
> Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 9885
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