Thanks for the quick reply.


------- Original Message -------
Le mercredi 4 mai 2022 à 09:45, Seth G <> a écrit :

> Hi,
> In the LAYER METADATA set:
> "gml_types" "auto"
> See
> Seth
> --
> web:
> twitter: @geographika
> On Wed, May 4, 2022, at 3:28 PM, PE Lord via MapServer-users wrote:
>> Hi there!
>> I've got a lot of fields stored as character/text but their contents are 
>> integers/numbers.
>> Ex: In my DB (postgresql), I have tableA with fieldA. FieldA is declared as 
>> a character(2) but the content of rows are numbers... i.e. 71
>> The issue here is when I filter my data (QGIS or my web app) :
>> ...?
>> REQUEST=GetFeature&
>> VERSION=2.0.0&
>> TYPENAMES=ms:tableA&
>> SRSNAME=urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326&
>> <fes:Filter xmlns:fes=""; 
>> xmlns:gml="";>
>> <fes:And>
>> <fes:BBOX>
>> <fes:ValueReference>geometry</fes:ValueReference>
>> <gml:Envelope srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326">
>> <gml:lowerCorner>40.77839999999999776 -87.96420000000000528</gml:lowerCorner>
>> <gml:upperCorner>51.88969999999999771 -68.37210000000000321</gml:upperCorner>
>> </gml:Envelope>
>> </fes:BBOX>
>> <fes:PropertyIsEqualTo xmlns:fes="";>
>> <fes:ValueReference>FieldA</fes:ValueReference>
>> <fes:Literal xmlns:fes="";>71</fes:Literal>
>> </fes:PropertyIsEqualTo>
>> </fes:And>
>> </fes:Filter>
>> Mapserver return this error
>> <ows:ExceptionText>msWFSGetFeature(): WFS server error. 
>> FLTApplyFilterToLayer() failed msPostGISLayerWhichShapes(): Query error. 
>> Error executing query. Check server logs</ows:ExceptionText>
>> To fix this issue, I know that I must declare gml_fieldA_type "Character".
>> Here the question: There is a method to automatically declare the type of 
>> all of thems?
>> The real issue about this question is that I have to handle near a thousand 
>> of layers, each of them containning a lot of fields! It's a scale issue!
>> Thanks
>> Pierre
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