switch(mode) {
                case 'insert':
                    mode = formatWFS.writeTransaction([f], null, null,
                case 'update':
                    node = formatWFS.writeTransaction(null, [f], null,

First case: 'mode =' should be 'node ='

On Sun, Sep 25, 2022, 00:26 Boubacar Bah <bahbouba....@gmail.com> wrote:

> hello, i need your help regarding tinyows wfs transaction.
> by the way I put in an online editing application.
> in which I used the wfs transaction to send the request to my postgis
> database.
> but the problem is that if I edit an entity in the application the
> transaction does not run to my database.
> So I don't know where the problem is in my code.
> Any help will be welcome.
> Below is the code for the program in question:
> <!DOCTYPE html>
> <html>
>     <head>
>         <title>WFS - GetFeature</title>
>         <meta charset="utf-8"/>
>         <link rel="stylesheet" href="
> https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/openlayers/openlayers.github.io@master/en/v6.15.1/css/ol.css
> " type="text/css">
>         <style>
>           .map {
>             height: 400px;
>             width: 100%;
>           }
>         </style>
>         <script src="
> https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/openlayers/openlayers.github.io@master/en/v6.15.1/build/ol.js
> "></script>
>     </head>
>     <body>
>         <div id="map" class="map"></div>
>         <label >Modifier &nbsp;</label>
>         <button name="modifier" id="mod" value="Edit"></button>
>         <label >Creer &nbsp;</label>
>         <button name="Creer" id="creer" value="creer"></button>
>         <label >Stop Edition &nbsp;</label>
>         <button name="stop_modif" id="stop_mod" value="stop_Edit"></button
> >
>         <script>
>           var draw, modify, snap;
>           var maprojection= new ol.proj.Projection({
>             code:'EPSG:4326',
>             extent:[-20,30,20,50],
>             units:'degrees',
>             axisOrientation:'enu'
>           });
>           //surcharge de la projection EPSG:4326
>           ol.proj.addEquivalentProjections([ol.proj.get('EPSG:4326'),
> maprojection]);
>           var wfsSource = new ol.source.Vector({
>             format: new ol.format.GeoJSON(),
>             url: function(extent) {
>                 return ';'
> +
> 'version=1.1.0&request=GetFeature&typename=tows:demo_tyny&'+
>                 'outputFormat=application/json&srsname=EPSG:4326&'+
>                 'bbox='+ extent.join(',')+',EPSG:4326';
>             },
>             strategy: ol.loadingstrategy.bbox,
>             projection: maprojection
>           });
>           var vector = new ol.layer.Vector({
>             source: wfsSource,
>             style: new ol.style.Style({
>                 stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({
>                     color: 'rgba(0,0,255,1.0)',
>                     width:4
>                 })
>             })
>           });
>           var map = new ol.Map({
>             layers:[vector],
>             target: document.getElementById('map'),
>             view: new ol.View({
>                 projection: maprojection,
>                 center: [2.5,46],
>                 maxZoom: 20,
>                 zoom: 1
>             })
>           });
>           var etat_edition= document.getElementById('mod');
>           var etat_creation= document.getElementById('creer');
>           var stop_edition= document.getElementById('stop_mod');
>           var draw, snap, modify; //declarees globalement pour les
> activers ou non a la guise
>           var formatWFS = new ol.format.WFS();
>           var xs = new XMLSerializer();
>           var formatGML =  new ol.format.GML3({
>             version:'1.1.0',
>             featureNS: 'http://www.mapserver.org/tinyows',
>             url: '',
>             featureType:'demo_tyny',
>             srsName:'EPSG:4326',
>             geometryName: 'geom',
>             SchemaLocation:'
> '
>           });
>           var transactWFS = function (mode, f) {
>             var node;
>             switch(mode) {
>                 case 'insert':
>                     mode = formatWFS.writeTransaction([f], null, null,
> formatGML);
>                     break;
>                 case 'update':
>                     node = formatWFS.writeTransaction(null, [f], null,
> formatGML);
>                     break;
>                 case 'delete':
>                     node = formatWFS.writeTransaction(null, null, [f],
> formatGML);
>                     break;
>             }
>             var xml_data = xs.serializeToString(node);
>             fetch('http://localhost/cgi-bin/tinyows.exe?service=wfs', {
>                 method:'POST',
>                 body: xml_data
>             }).then(function() {
>                 wfsSource.clear();
>             })
>           };
>           function add_snap() {
>             snap = new ol.interaction.Snap({source: vector.getSource()});
>             map.addInteraction(snap);
>           }
>           function add_modify(){
>             stopInteractions();
>             add_snap();
>             modify = new ol.interaction.Modify({source: vector.getSource
> ()});
>             map.addInteraction(modify)
>           }
>           function add_creer(){
>             stopInteractions();
>             add_snap();
>             draw = new ol.interaction.Draw({
>                 source: vector.getSource(),
>                 type:"MultiPolygon",
>                 geometryName:'geom'
>             });
>             draw.on('drawend', function(e){
>                 code_saisi=prompt("code_commune");
>                 e.feature.setProperties({'code_commune':code_saisi});
>                 transactWFS('insert',e.feature);
>             });
>             map.addInteraction(draw);
>           }
>           function stopInteractions() {
>             map.removeInteraction(draw);
>             map.removeInteraction(snap);
>             map.removeInteraction(modify)
>           }
>           etat_edition.onclick = function() {
>             add_modify();
>           };
>           etat_creation.onclick = function() {
>             add_creer();
>           };
>           stop_edition.onclick = function () {
>             stopInteractions();
>           };
>         </script>
>     </body>
> </html>
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