
We have a bunch of tickets on this issue especially regarding to the
zoomRectangle function. On one day it have been corrected that maxy is
greater that miny but on the other day it have been reverted due to
some other reasons:
For more information see:

I personally would support having maxy greater than miny, but it seems
to be applied only for the 5.2 release.

Best regards,


2007/8/8, Zhonghai Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi folks,
> I am using now the latest beta version MapServer C# wrapper. I remember that
> creating an image rectangle object with the old version wrapper, it should
> be done like because of the screen coordinate system:
> Dim  tempRect As New rectObj(intMinX, intMinY, intMaxX, intMaxY, 0)
> Dim t As Integer = 0
> Dim tc As Integer = 0
> t = tempRect.miny
> tempRect.miny = tempRect.maxy
> tempRect.maxy = t
> Is this situation changed in the latest beta version?
> besides, i noticed that there is a fit(integer, integer) as double method,
> I've tried to get the idea of this method in mailing list, but i didn't get
> it.
> Could anyone you guys give me some hints?
> Cheers
> Zhonghai

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