
Hi Frank,
You have right , "doesn't work" isn't much, here is what I did:
I have already a big shape file with a .dbf with the field "location" that point the .tif images and others some columns of data.
So using
shpt2tile -q 4 -n 2 NGS54004L NGS54004smaller
it generate me a bunch of smaller shapefiles.
After that I used
ogrtinedx NewTileindex NGS54004smaller*
to generate a tileindex.
No error and all work fine so far.
I use NewTileindex in two map file. The first one is defined a layer TYPE POLYGON and in the second one TYPE RASTER The first one works fine , I can see what I saw before with the original shapefile.
The second doesn't show me any images.

I don't know but probably I have to use gdaltindex to generate tileindex for raster layers. The only problem is that gdaltindex use a .tif images and then I lost all the info stored in my previous .dbf file.



Frank Warmerdam wrote:
Antonio wrote:
I am using shp2tile to split my huge shapefile , after that I use ogrtindex to generate the tileindex. So in my map file in the layer definition I set the keyword TILEINDEX at this new tilendex shape just generated. This work fine for the layer with TYPE POLYGON but doesn't work with RASTER layer.
Some one could tell me why?


What part of this process does not work for the raster layer?  Are you
suggesting that you are breaking your raster tileindex shapefile into
a bunch of smaller shapefile tiles and then trying to create a tileindex
for that (two layers of tileindex) for your raster layer?

I'd add that "doesn't work" isn't all that helpful.  Is there any sort
of error message?

Best regards,

            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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